Hello my friends now I want to tell you about the meaning of my name.
My full name is Natalia Tiara Angelina Koisin. Natalia is my Christian name; my parents gave that name because I was born on Christmas’ month. Tiara is the meaning of female’s crown. Angelina is the meaning of angel. So, the meaning of my full name is an angel wearing the crown in Christmas’ month or an angel came on Christmas’ month, Angel of the meaning of my name is me.
The most things that I proud of myself is my eyes ‘cause I thought the eye can lie. For example when we’re sad, somebody asked us, “What happen to you? You looks sad.” And we said, “No I’m fine.” But our eyes are still looking sad. And because my eyes’ color is dark brown, its make me feel different of my other friends. And last usually my friend afraid of me if she/he look my eyes, they told me if I’m open the largest of my eyes, the always said, “ Anggi your eyes are coming out, I’m scared !”
Thank you
My teacher gave me 90!
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